A blog on Tally Integration, to import and export data from Tally.ERP programmatically using VB6, VB.NET,C#,ASP.NET etc

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

$$FullList function

$$FullList Function

The $$FullList function returns incorrect results in Tally 7.2 in certain cases, but works fine with Tally ERP 9 Release 1.5.


Step 1)
Enter a Sales voucher with following items :-
Name    Qty     Rate   Amt
Item A 5 100 500
Item B 5
Item C 5 150 750

Step 2)
Use the following SELECT-SQL to retrieve data from Tally :-

Select $$FullList:InventoryEntries:$BilledQty,$$FullList:InventoryEntries:$Rate From CompanyVouchers


Case a) Tally 7.2
Qty           Rate
5 ,5, 5 100

Case b) Tally ERP 9 Release 1.5
Qty           Rate
5 ,5, 5 100, , 150

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