A blog on Tally Integration, to import and export data from Tally.ERP programmatically using VB6, VB.NET,C#,ASP.NET etc

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Fetch the StockItem Rate and Qty without Unit Name

StockItem Rate and Quantity

By default, when we fetch StockItem Rate and Quantity, Tally returns the same with UNIT name appended at the end.

To get Item Rate without the unit name, use

To get the Item Quantity without the unit name, use

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Fetch data from Tally

Fetch Sales data from Tally

Select $Date,$Reference,$VouchertypeName,$PartyLedgerName,$$CollectionField:$Amount:1:LedgerEntries from RTSAllVouchers where $$IsSales:$VoucherTypeName

Fetch Payment data from Tally

Select $Date,$Reference,$VouchertypeName,$PartyLedgerName,$$CollectionField:$Amount:1:LedgerEntries from RTSAllVouchers where $$IsPayment:$VoucherTypeName

Fetch Receipt data from Tally

Select $Date,$Reference,$VouchertypeName,$PartyLedgerName,$$CollectionField:$Amount:1:LedgerEntries from RTSAllVouchers where $$IsReceipt:$VoucherTypeName

The above requires TDL code which is given underneath :-

[Collection: RTSAllVouchers]
  Type: Voucher
  IsODBCTable: Yes
  Fetch : *,AllLedgerEntries.*,LedgerEntries.*

Monday, February 13, 2012

DOT in Ledger Name

Case I - Works Fine
Ledger Name: Arihant Industries
SELECT Statement : Select $Name,$Parent From Ledger where $Name="Arihant Industries"

Case II - Does not Work
Ledger Name: Arihant Industries.
SELECT Statement : Select $Name,$Parent From Ledger where $Name="Arihant Industries."

1) In Case II, the Ledger Name contains a dot (.) in the Ledger Name (viz Arihant Industries.). Using the SELECT SQL to search for the ledger name containing dot returns no result.
2) To resolve the issue, search for "Arihant Industries" (i.e. remove the dot from the Ledger Name)