Introduction to RTSlink
RTSlink is a DLL (Dynamic Link Library) that allows software developers to integrate their Applications with Tally 7.2. or higher.
RTSLink works on Windows 2000 and later versions and can be used with any Win32 application viz. Visual Basic, Visual Foxpro, Delphi, MS-Access applications. For using RTSlink with Foxpro 2.6 (DOS), you have to use Wrapper.exe provided along with RTSlink.
Tally uses the SOAP protocol and XML to exchange data with other applications. To work with RTSLink DLL, you need to have a basic understanding about XML and XML tags.
Click here for a one minute guide to XML.
Click here for a one minute guide to SOAP.
Functions available in the DLL
Open() |
Most of the time, you will be using the core functions viz. Open(); Send(); ResponseText() ; GetLastErrorMessage() in your code. However, to provide more flexibility to the programmer, some additional functionality has been provided.
You may use these functions as an alternative to the send() function.
Method 1: Use SendXMLFileToServer() to send a XML file to Tally
Your application should create a XML file that contains the required XML tags. Next, invoke the SendXMLFileToServer() function to write this file to [Tally] server application. For more information, refer to the section Using DLL in your
Method 2: Use AddXMLTag() & SendXMLTagsToServer()
Alternatively, your application may invoke the AddXMLTag() function several times to write all the Tags you want. These tags are stored temporarily in memory. After this, you must invoke the SendXMLTagsToServer() function to write these tags to [Tally] server. For more information, refer to the section Using DLL in your application.